
Château Saincrit

We don’t became wine-grower on the spur of the moment, this is a well thought out decision, this is not a lightning strike, this is a passion. My pronounced taste for agriculture and nature, my willing of living very close to it, attract me to that way. In 2003, I purchased the Château Saincrit, a property existing for three generations. The vineyard is located in St-André de Cubzac, North Gironde, on the way of the 45th parallel, that imaginary line which shares the hemisphere into two equal sections and which truly shows the balance felt there. The vineyard extends on the hill of Montalon which offers a panoramic view on the surrounding flatlands and on the meandes of the Dordogne River. The property represents 15 hectares of red Bordeaux Supérieur and 2,5 hectares of white Bordeaux.

Agenda picto
Du 04/01/2024 au 31/12/2024 de 09:00 a12:00 - 14:00 a18:00
appelation picto
Bordeaux Rosé
Bordeaux Supérieur
langueparle picto
Spoken languages
groupe picto
Groups accepted
animaux picto
Pets allowed
vente picto
Property sale

Open on Sunday -
Internet access, Wifi - Stage/podium -

tarif picto
Individual price - no discount : 5,00 à 16,00€
Group rate : 3,50 à 16,00€
modepaiement picto
Method of payment accepted:
American Express - Payment cards - Cheques and postal orders - Cash - Bank transfers
visite picto
Guided tour by appointment only
Individual visit-tasting
Paying visit-tasting in groups


555 chemin du Peuy


Démarches environnementales
agriculteur biologique