
Château Le Grand Verdus

Grand Verdus that's what you expect from Bordeaux today: authentic and dynamic wines, from a true terroir, hills and modern know-how.
The Grand Verdus welcomes you on appointment from Monday to Friday, for visits and tastings.
Put into your glass a moment of sharing, discovering and cultivating the earth.
Come discover a site steeped in history, from the 16th century castle courtyard, its towers, its historic winery and the vineyards ... discover an authentic history for more than 400 years.
Finally, enjoy a moment of relaxation while tasting the wines of the Château.

Agenda picto
Du 02/01/2024 au 21/12/2024
bow picto
Best of Gold 2023, Architecture and landscapes
appelation picto
Bordeaux Rosé
Bordeaux Supérieur
langueparle picto
Spoken languages
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Groups accepted
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Pets allowed
vente picto
Property sale

Family properties -

tarif picto
Tasting tour : à partir de 10,00€
Tasting tour : à partir de 15,00€
Tasting tour : à partir de 15,00€
Tasting tour : à partir de 20,00€
Individual price - no discount : à partir de 18,00€
modepaiement picto
Method of payment accepted:
Payment cards - Cheques and postal orders - Cash
visite picto
Guided tours
Guided tour by appointment only
Individual visit-tasting
Paying visit-tasting in groups