
Château de Reignac

Château de Reignac is ideally situated at the confluence of the Dordogne and Garonne Rivers (the “Entre Deux Mers”).
Reignac offers a unique quality, that of reuniting the best types of terroir of both the Right and the Left Banks in a single estate.
Reignac offers the best Bordeaux quality price ratio, confirmed by blind tasting by European Grand Jury and scores awarded by the world’s leading tasters. Qualitative consistency of our wines results from our obsession for quality and our great terroir.
Reignac produces wines of exceptional and consistent quality, fact that has been recognized by many great wine tasters.

Agenda picto
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/08/2024 de 09:30 a12:30 - 16:30 aSaturday Sunday
bow picto
Best Of 2015, Architecture and landscapes
Best of Gold 2016, Discovery and innovation
Best of Gold 2018, Discovery and innovation
Best Of 2020, Discovery and innovation
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Bordeaux Supérieur
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Spoken languages
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Groups accepted
vente picto
Property sale

Internet access, Wifi -

tarif picto
Tasting tour : à partir de 10,00€
Tasting tour : à partir de 15,00€
Individual price - no discount : à partir de 7,00€
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Method of payment accepted:
American Express - Payment cards - Cheques and postal orders - Cash - Bank transfers
visite picto
Guided tour by appointment only
Individual visit-tasting
Paying visit-tasting in groups
best-of-wine-tourism vignobles-et-decouvertes