
Château de Portets

An exceptional architectural and wine tourism site just waiting to be explored!
A historical fortified castle that played an important role in local history until the 18th century, is now a cultural heritage site known for: its Renaissance façade of great notoriety, elegant 14th century Tour of Gascq, park full of 100 year old trees, as well as its lofty view of the Garonne River. In parallel to its viticultural vocation, the Château de Portets, as of December 2015 has a wide range of wine tourism visits each with a corresponding theme, as well as a scenography room and educational videos.
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Agenda picto
Du 02/04/2024 au 31/10/2024
Du 02/01/2024 au 31/03/2024 de 09:00 à 13:00 - 14:00 a17:00
Du 04/11/2024 au 31/12/2024 de 09:00 à 13:00 - 14:00 a18:00
bow picto
Best Of 2017, Architecture and landscapes
Best Of 2024, Architecture and landscapes
appelation picto
Bordeaux Supérieur
langueparle picto
Spoken languages
groupe picto
Groups accepted
animaux picto
Pets allowed
vente picto
Property sale

With children - Family properties -
Internet access, Wifi - Mural - Local caterer - Stage/podium - Sound proof - Tables/chairs -

tarif picto
Tasting tour : à partir de 15,00€
Tasting tour : 25,00 à 65,00€
Child rate : à partir de 5,00€
Individual price - no discount : à partir de 20,00€
Tasting tour : à partir de 11,00€
Individual price - no discount : 500,00 à 1800,00€

- Discovery Tour : guided tour + tasting of 3 estate wines ; 15€ / person ; 1h

- "Fine Gourmets" tour : Discovery tour. + tasting of 3 estate wines, accompanied by a platter of mature cheeses and charcuterie ; 25€ / person ; 1h30

- A Port on the Vine Tour : innovative walking tour, using a digital application, discover the rich history of the Château de Portets, its old port and its village, followed by a tasting of three wines ; 1h30 – 2h ; 20 € / adult ;

- Self-guided tour - "From vine to glass" = and tasting of 3 wines. 11€ / person ; 45 min

- "Back from the market" tour : Discovery tour followed by a lunch paired with a tasting of 3 wines. 45€ / person ; 2h

- Family experience: On the trail of the Château de Portets Independent tour ; 5€ / person ; 30 min + tasting

- Investigation : On the 15 Barons's tracks... Independent tour ; 1h30-2h ; 20€ / adult ; 12€ / child
modepaiement picto
Method of payment accepted:
Payment cards - Cheques and postal orders - Cash
visite picto
Unaccompanied tours
Guided tours
Individual visit-tasting
Paying visit-tasting in groups
Open today


Accès par Rue de Mongenan
33640, PORTETS
Démarches environnementales
best-of-wine-tourism vignobles-et-decouvertes