
Le Cercle Guiraud

Agenda picto
Du 03/01/2024 au 04/02/2024 de 12:30 à 14:00 - 19:30 a21:30
Du 09/03/2024 au 29/12/2024 de 12:30 à 14:00 - 19:30 a21:30
langueparle picto
Spoken languages
handicap picto
Accessible to people with reduced mobility
animaux picto
Pets allowed
restauration picto
Chef's name:Yoann Amado
Culinary specialties: Gourmet cuisine - French regional cooking - Traditional cooking -

Pram-friendly - Bar - Air conditioned - Park - Coach parking - Equipped conference room - Terrace -

tarif picto
Adult menu : 35,00 à 59,00€
Children's menu : à partir de 20,00€
modepaiement picto
Method of payment accepted:
American Express - Payment cards - Cash - Does not accept cheques