
Village ancien de Bourg

Nestled atop a large cliff, the village of Bourg – whose origins date back to the Gallo-Roman era – is a classified “Ancient Village”.
Nestled atop a large cliff, the village of Bourg – whose origins date back to the Gallo-Roman era – is a classified “Ancient Village”. Fortified by the English and encircled by ramparts, people could enter Bourg via its gates, three of which are still visible today. Its domination by the English, its geographic location and the reputation of its wines caused the town to grow and beautify over the centuries.

Bourg is divided between two levels connected by a maze of small streets: the upper town (shops, craftsmen and the citadel) and the lower town (port, wash houses and water activities).

Agenda picto
Du 01/01/2024 au 31/12/2024
langue audioguide picto
Audio guide language
groupe picto
Groups accepted

Interactive terminal - Shop - Games area - Wifi -
On-site activities
Specific themed events - Workshop for adults - Workshop for children - Conferences - Temporary exhibitions -
Picnic area - Bar cafeteria tea room - Restaurant - Equipped conference room -