
Abbatiale de l'Abbaye de Vertheuil

The 11th and 12th century abbey church is a fine example of Romanesque art, influenced by the Saintonge and Poitou regions: ambulatory, octagonal tower, superb carved decorations. Open all year. The castle, which was built at the end of the 11th century, has the oldest keep in the region (private estate). The abbey, founded in the 11th century by William VIII of Aquitaine, was home in the 12th century to a community subject to the Order of Saint Augustine. The church was destroyed on a number of occasions (Hundred Years War, wars of religion), and was rebuilt in the 18th century and sold in 1792 as national property. Summer exhibitions of various works.

Agenda picto
de 09:00 à 17:00
de 09:00 à 18:00
de 09:00 à 18:00
langueparle picto
Spoken languages
langue audioguide picto
Audio guide language
groupe picto
Groups accepted

On-site activities
Specific themed events - Temporary exhibitions -
Coach parking -

tarif picto
Free of charge : à partir de 0,00€
Basic price - full adult price : à partir de 3,00€
visite picto
Unaccompanied tours
Guided tours


2 place Saint-Pierre