
Château de La Brède

The Château de La Brède, home of the writer and philosopher Charles Louis de Secondat, better known as Montesquieu, remained in family ownership until 2004.
This breathtaking 12th century feudal structure occupies a small island, surrounded by wide moats and an English-style park. It is more famous, however, for its most famous occupant Charles Louis de Secondat. This future member of the Bordeaux parliament was born here. He later moved to Bordeaux, where he was known as Baron de Montesquieu. He wrote "L'esprit des lois" in this chateau, a text that was fundamental in the development of modern democratic systems. The books iare to the Bordeaux city library.

Agenda picto
Du 06/03/2024 au 17/11/2024 de 14:00 a18:00 - Monday Tuesday
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pour les Free of charge
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Method of payment accepted:
Payment cards - Cheques and postal orders - Chèques Vacances - Cash
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